Teething, Hyland Teething Tablets

Teething. My son has done remarkably well dealing with his teething. With the first few teeth he got, several times he woke up crying with a fever. Several other times he would just wake up in hysterics. The majority of the time though he would wake up crying, but would then go right back to sleep.
When he would wake up with a fever, I would give him Children's Tylenol every 4 hours for 24 hours. That was usually enough to get rid of the fever and get him back to normal.
For the times he didn't have a fever, but was in pain, I would give him 2 Hyland teething tablets. They are homeopathic tablets and are amazing. I don't know if they taste bad or what, but it was always such a struggle to put them in my son's mouth. Once they were in his mouth, he would scream even worse. I had serious doubts the first time I gave them to him. Luckily they dissolve very quickly. 5 minutes after taking the teething tablets, my son would be back to normal. It was really amazing to watch the transformation. One minute he would be crying and clinging to me and 5 minutes later he would be running around, laughing and playing. Hyland teething tablets are simply amazing. I highly recommend them to anyone in the throes of teething. Ingredients are all natural, so there shouldn't be any allergic reactions to deal with. They are definitely worth a try.
My son started teething a little late. He didn't get his first tooth until he was close to a year old, so he'll be teething until he's about 3. One thing I've noticed is he has a loss of appetite when he's getting a new tooth. It took a while for me to realize. Usually once a month or month and a half, he would go a week & would just refuse to eat. He would pick here and there, but nothing substantial. Then he'd start losing weight and I would start getting worried. Then all of a sudden, his appetite would come back. When he first started doing this, I thought he was testing me or didn't like the food he was being given, so I'd go nuts finding new foods to give him. I did everything I could to try to get him to eat something.
Then all of a sudden he'd start eating again. A few weeks later the same thing would happen. Finally I realized it must be the teething causing him to not eat. I'm so glad I realized this. Otherwise our feeding relationship could have been ruined. Now when his appetite decreases, I still go nuts trying to make sure he is eating something, but at least I've recognized what is happening, so I don't coax or try to push him to eat. I just give him his food and let him eat what he wants. I don't even talk to him about it. I just act normal. It's definitely much less stressful for the both of us.
