Paris Hilton goes to jail

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been a bit busy and under the weather.

I'm going to sort of go off topic.
Did you hear Paris Hilton is going to jail? I know who cares.
Apparently she got lucky with 45 days, it could have been 90 days. She certainly needs to grow up. From the sounds of it, her mother does too. Apparently during court her mother laughed and had an outburst. Nancy Grace of CNN made a good point. The mother was aghast that her daughter was going to jail. But why is she going to jail? For reckless driving, driving under the influence. How many accidents and people are killed by people driving under the influence? Tons and tons. Major tragedies. There was a lawyer on Nancy Grace who said there are far worse people who should be sent to jail, that Paris Hilton hasn't harmed anyone. You know what? She hasn't harmed anyone YET. If you're continuously driving under the influence, it's only a matter of time before someone does get hurt. Let's put a stop to the reckless behavior before someone does get hurt.
Now, her mother was aghast Paris is going to jail. What kind of mother is she? Apparently she has never taught Paris about behavior and consequences for your actions as Paris was given plenty of options, such as a 12 hour alcohol counseling session and community service to make up for her behavior. Paris made no effort to do any of that, so now she has to pay the hard way. It looks like her mother raised her to believe she was untouchable and could do whatever she wanted. No discipline, bad parenting leads to a spoiled brat. Kids are definitely the product of their upbringing.


meleah rebeccah said…
thats one hollywood ho-bag off the street! now hoe do we round up the rest?