- Holiday Toy List, Amazon Gift Central

So, I'm on bedrest at the moment, until #2 decides to arrive, at the most 5 more weeks. I won't be allowed to go past my due date, since I have gestational diabetes. Spent yesterday doing some online Christmas shopping. is definitely the best site. They have everything & most items are free shipping over $25. Hard part is figuring out what to buy. has now put out a Holiday Toy List. When my son was younger, I never had a problem figuring out what to get him, but now that he's older there are a lot more choices and there aren't many top toy lists out there for 3 year olds like there are with babies & toddlers. You can search the list and view videos of over 450 toys. Featured products are from leading vendors like Hasbro, Disney, Nintendo, Leapfrog, LEGO, Fisher-Price, Mattel and Razor.
Not only that, but also has a Gift Central which shows category editors' recommendations on great gifts for the holiday season.
If you do any online holiday shopping, is definitely a good place to start.
